Welcome to winter, we hope you`re keeping warm and well this month. We have put together an issue full of sugar and ice and everything nice, bringing you stories from locals to warm your heart.

We hope that you enjoy this edition of The Valley Hub News. 

If you have a story you`d like to share, get in touch via our socials at thevalleyhub_nv or reach out to us at info@thevalleyhub.com.au

From Country

Mujaay Ganma Foundation's Julumbawambi project

Image: Mujaay Ganma Foundation Members L-R Wurinda Gill, Aunty Ruth Walker, Janette Blainey and Thomas Stanbrook
Image: Mujaay Ganma Foundation Members L-R Wurinda Gill, Aunty Ruth Walker, Janette Blainey and Thomas Stanbrook

A win for Mujaay Ganma Foundation

More than 1.2 million people across NSW will experience an exciting range of cultural activities and programs spanning every artform, thanks to an investment of more than $4.1 million from Round 2 of the NSW Government’s Arts and Cultural Funding Program for 2022/23.

A total of 81 exceptional individuals, groups and organisations, employing almost 5,000 artists and cultural workers, will create homegrown arts and culture projects and experiences, including music, literature, visual art, dance, theatre and festivals.

Mujaay Ganma Foundation Aboriginal Corporation is among the successful recipients, receiving investment of $59,800 for its Julumbawambi project. Julumbawambi will record five Gumbaynggirr language songs, gather stories from across five generations and develop five performances to be presented at the Bowraville Theatre, together with a series of facilitated workshops.

Thomas Stanbrook, Mujaay Ganma Foundation said “Country and culture are at the heart of our work at the Mujaay Ganma Foundation. The Julumbawambi (Along the Generations) Project will provide a space for community to improve communication and understanding across generations. We expect to gain greater pride in Gumbaynggirr Country and culture through this journey and its artistic endeavours.”

NSW artists and organisations submitted a total of 424 applications, making this latest round of funding one of the largest from the sector in both volume and value. The 45 per cent increase compared to the previous year signals the NSW arts and cultural sector is experiencing a resurgence in confidence to create exceptional art and cultural programs again after the disruption of COVID-19. The highest percentage increase was for Creative Koori First Nations projects, with 55 per cent more projects put forward for consideration.

All applications funded through Round 2 were assessed against published criteria and ranked in order of merit by the Artform Advisory Boards. A full list of Round 2 recipients is available here. The combination of Round 1 and Round 2 2022/23 Arts and Cultural Funding Program outcomes will deliver a total of $10,354,965 to support the arts and cultural sector.

Connect here: https://mujaayganmafoundation.org.au

Shared from: https://www.create.nsw.gov.au/news-and-publications/more-than-4-million-invested-in-nsw-art-and-culture/?fbclid=IwAR195vgFis6SfuTg9pbZEY35DyuwiLpz0Oe_CZkIsiqkF-arhX31gBq1ttk


Valley Feature

A Two Wolf Winter

The Two Wolf CrossFit family
The Two Wolf CrossFit family

Two Wolf CrossFit is owned by husband and wife duo Adam and Miranda. Adam grew up in the country out west and Miranda is a local through and through. 

Here at Two Wolf CrossFit, we pride ourselves on providing a supportive environment for all ages and skill levels to get their workout in. Community is at the heart of our business and we have members of all demographics and backgrounds, from those who have never stepped inside a gym before to the seasoned athletes all joining together under one roof motivating and helping each other. We have seen people achieve their first pull-up, hit their goal weight in both lifting and in life, run their first 400m without stopping and win their first competition.

Some of the most inspiring stories are from mothers who gain core strength back after pregnancy, even repairing muscular damage such as ab separation through adapted and modified movements to the point where they are able to do their first sit-up in years. On the flip side, we have seen seasoned athletes come in who have lost their spark of sport and feeling the strain on their bodies after years of hard work, only to find a new love and focus around the sport of CrossFit and its constantly varied fitness and wide range of competitive levels.

A member that really stands out is a lady who came in with severe scoliosis and chronic back issues associated with it, unable to get on and off the ground without pain. Through close and guided workouts and movements along with building strength, we have seen her go from achieving her first burpee to doing whole workouts with ease and pain-free!

Another member has seen huge improvements in his long-distance running and recovery since picking up CrossFit and learning how to push both mentally and physically while utilising recovery times at their fullest. He has been able to hit 100km runs with better results and recovery and has also enjoyed dipping his toe into the competitive CrossFit scene as well.

Two Wolf CrossFit was a small start from scratch business that over the years has been able to see the impact CrossFit has had on so many different people while creating an amazing community that welcomes all newbies to come in and join us as we work on making ourselves just a little bit healthier every day.

Reach out to Adam and Miranda here:

Our stories

Marlene Wilson brings colour to your world

Marlene Coral
Marlene Coral

Hi, I`m Marlene Wilson

The first time I tie-dyed was back when I was 15 in my friend’s backyard. At the time I had no knowledge of how to tie dye although it looked like fun, So I tied up a shirt with rubber bands and dipped each end into a bucket of dye. Once I started to saturate the t-shirt with colour, I realised it was a bit trickier than I first anticipated. How did people apply many colours to a shirt and create different patterns and shapes?

At the start of this year, I began tie-dying again and enjoyed researching and learning new techniques. I gained knowledge and skills from trial and error, watching Youtube videos, and joining Facebook groups about tie-dying.

Tie-dying is a satisfying process and a labour of love as there are many steps involved and it can take anywhere from 2-3 days to complete a single shirt. Each piece of clothing is totally unique which makes each shirt new and interesting.

If you are interested in browsing what I have in stock, come on down to the Lion’s Club Markets at the Nambucca Plaza or search for my website and socials.




Love your local

Nambucca Heads would be STOKED to have you.


Captain Rob Couchman tells stories from the frontline firefighting in the Nambucca Valley. From the 2019 bushfires to attending accidents, flood rescues and everything in between, Rob is an enthusiastic storyteller and you`ll love listening to his anecdotes. Rob also has a special request for you to help your community. Listen now on your favorite podcast platform:

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/2Nt8m57GPDXWb2unFbFdmH?si=KD3FYMTdQiKTP0K1qP04oQ

Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/the-valley-hub-stories/id1675205965?i=1000616913111

The Hub: https://www.thevalleyhub.com.au/tune-in/

Spotlight on

Around 'The Mandarin Bend' 

Kaycee & Tom
– The Mandarin Bend team!

Giinagay, welcome to The Mandarin Bend.

We are situated on the lands of the Gumbaynggirr people on the Mid North Coast of NSW.

You’ll find our little farm up a bumpy road that weaves it’s path along the Nambucca River. You know you’re here when flashes of beautiful veggie mosaics appear on the ‘magic flat’, bellows sound from ‘belty’ cows and bird song echoes from rainforest amphitheaters.

It is an enchanting place and we feel privileged to be farming here.  We grow food that feels right instinctively. We’re aiming to keep it local, keep it regenerative…and always green.

Meet your farmers:



Inside knowledge

Ali Buckley brings her expertise to new role


About Ali: Ali Buckley is busy.

You might recognise Ali from The Valley Hub. Based in the Nambucca Valley, Ali loves Gumbaynggirr Country and the people held within it. This love is shared through her work with local community organisations, including the sharing of culture through the arts, music, and the very ways in which she moves through the world. From supporting local not-for-profit organisations to her most recent appointment as the MusicNSW Regional Music Coordinator for the Mid North Coast, Upper Hunter, and Orana regions, Ali brings stacks of experience and knowledge to her work. Here is what she is up to now:

Following a search that began in November 2022, five music professionals now join the
MusicNSW team with a remit to deliver development opportunities and work to expand touring
circuits across regional NSW. The newly-created roles have been made possible thanks to
Create NSW following a landmark four-year funding commitment.

The Regional Music Team is focussed on developing touring of live original music in Regional NSW. Coordinators across the state will be creating databases of artists and industry, delivering a series of professional development workshops on touring, and supporting five tours across NSW. As well as creating quarterly Spotify playlists, sharing opportunities and industry news, professional development and meet and greet sessions will also be facilitated through local coordinators.

Ali has managed her own regional arts consultancy for 20 years, developing and producing projects across the commercial and not-for-profit sectors. She was the Media and Marketing Officer for Woodford Folk Festival and the Dreaming festival, and assistant to the Executive Director of the Queensland Folk Federation. Ali founded the Sustainable Living festival in Armidale and helped develop the Gumbaynggirr Music Futures program, which brought together local industry to compose, record and present music. Ali has worked as the MusicNSW Regional Music Officer since 2021 delivering the Regional program across the Mid North Coast. 

To read more about the team, head here: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/1/folders/1BiYukgaVW0HOMo_-co7KJHVBjaOpQVJi?ths=true   or contact Ali at: ali@musicnsw.com


What's on in the Valley

Here are a handful of events and programs coming up in June and July 2023

Jun 2023: Highlight events

For more information about the above events or for a list of what else is happening around the Nambucca Valley head to The Valley Hubs calendar of events. You can also request to add upcoming events here.

Let the games begin

Set your brain to our monthly trivia quest.

The answers will be shared next month – let us know how you fared.


  1. Who voices Elsa in the movie ‘Frozen’?
  2. How many sides does a snowflake have?
  3. What temperature was the coldest winter day in Australia?
  4. True or false, you can get sunburn from snow?
  5. The word ‘winter’ comes from what language family?
  6. Where were the first Winter Olympics held?
  7. Which is the coldest state in Australia?
Valley publications

Stay in touch with other Valley publications available.

The Valley Hub acknowledges Gumbaynggirr country, the Ancestors, Elders and Traditional Custodians of the Valley in which we live and work. We thank them for their care of country through time and acknowledge and respect their continuing connection to land, waters and culture.

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