Song: “Baabaga Birruganba Bularri – Birrugan and his dad” © Muurrbay. Written by Br Steve Morelli. Performed by Gumbaynggirr Linguist and singer Dallas Walker and produced by Will Jarrett.
Bawrrungga Nyami Gawbarrigam – Bowraville Women Gathering
Is an arts collective of women from the Nambucca Valley who gather in Bowraville to paint, weave, sew, and make contemporary jewellery. Supported by Jaanymili Bawrrungga, the artists had their first collective art exhibition in 2020, it was hugely successful and inspired the women to keep painting. They have all developed their own styles, textures and palettes and paint from their connection to Gumbaynggirr country and the stories they have inherited or gained through their life journeys. In 2021 the women were invited to join the Indigenous Jewellery Project, their work was exhibited at the Australian Design Centre in a sell-out show, and featured in the Darwin Country to Couture fashion show, by winning designer Ngali. The Nyami’s also exhibited in the 2021 NAIDOC week exhibition at the Phoenix Art Centre.

The painting featured here is a collaborative work, a map of the Nambucca Valley from a Gumbaynggirr perspective. This work was commissioned by The Valley Hub, the original painting belongs to the Nyami’s, prints of this work are available to order from Jaanmyili Bawrrunnga.
Let’s introduce you to the artists…
Featured Contributing Artist

Bernard Kelly-Edwards (Multimedia Artist)
I am a multimedia artist, I work with paint, film, photography, story-telling, poetry and digitally. I belong to Gumbaynggirr, Bundjalung and Dhunghutti Nations on the mid north coast of NSW and continue to live in Gumbaynggirr. My bloodline connects me to many aspects of Mother Nature and walking in both worlds has been a powerful journey, that I share through my creative gift from Mum’s Belly. Always inspired by Wajaarr (Country) Dawaandi (reflections) my work is finding a voice for the patterns of country and their meaning in the connection space of our existence. I love sitting in forest and beach landscapes allowing country to share it’s essence with me and then it is there that I follow the feeling of telling that story which is mainly a poetic expression.